Fair Trade Certified

Fair Trade Certified

Certification managed by Fair Trade USA

Fair Trade USA is the leading 501(c) (3) nonprofit, third-party certifier of Fair Trade products in North America. Fair Trade USA believes that all farmers and workers should have the opportunity to participate in the Fair Trade system, including workers employed by larger farms and farmers that are not part of organized cooperatives.

In addition, Fair Trade USA works with farmers and workers in North America, including the U.S. As a result of our unique model, Fair Trade Certified now applies to more than 30 product categories, including dairy, quinoa, fresh produce, apparel, home goods, and seafood.

Our Vision
We believe that all farmers deserve a fair price for their harvest so that they can stay on the land, keep their kids in school, and farm sustainably. We envision a day when all workers enjoy safe working conditions and a living wage. We believe that business with purpose - companies that combine people, planet, and profit - will become the norm. We envision a time when it is easy and affordable for all consumers to choose Fair Trade Certified™ products and vote with their dollars for a better world.