Good Taste Logo

You should feel good about your food choices.

Not by becoming an expert in agricultural practices or spending hours researching labels. Just clear and reliable information about your food and the people behind it.

We shine a spotlight on food brands, farmers, and ranchers who prove their commitment to high integrity across the food lifecycle. Think of us as a knowledgeable friend who you check-in with as you fill your grocery cart or search for a local farm that aligns with your values.

Why this matters

Every bite of food leaves a legacy that ripples through our familes, communities, local ecosystems, and ultimately shapes the future of our planet.

The right agricultural practices can increase the nutrient density in our food, protect us from carcinogenic herbicides & pesticides, keep local water sources clean, and significantly reduce the effects of climate change. Sadly, this is not the reality of modern conventional agriculture.

To feel good about our choices, we need access to more information than the nutrition facts and ingredient lists. We should be able to pull back the curtain on the food supply chain.

Our standards

We feature food brands and producers who meet rigorous standards set by independent third-parties that exceed the USDA Organic standard. This will evolve to include verifiable data that expands transparency and brings us closer to the people who make our food.

Who's behind this?

Good Taste an independent project by Alan McGee and the underlying data is made publicly available on GitHub. Get in touch at